jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

Some of the TEL (technology enhanced learning) tools we learned about yesterday :) feel free to leave you feedback and comments on them... is there any other you have heard of/used that you'd like to recommend? tell us as well! :)

6 comentarios:

  1. I really like Kahoot and Glogster. Not only do I like these two sites to use with my students in the future but I also think I will use them with my daughter for her school presentations and instead of reviewing for her test same old boring way all the time I will use Kahoot and make it a game to change up the rhythm. I think both of these sites are easy and fun. And when a student is already stressed out because they have to create a presentation in a language they may not be to comfortable with I do not think adding to their anxiety with complicated technology is fair to them.

    1. totally true! kahoot is one of my personal favorites too...mostly because it's super adaptable...

  2. I also love Kahoot. Starting the class with a kahoot is an amazing way to warm up and catch the attention of your students. But you know you can't count on kahoot always due to everybody needs an smartphone in the class.

  3. I also love Kahoot. Starting the class with a kahoot is an amazing way to warm up and catch the attention of your students. But you know you can't count on kahoot always due to everybody needs an smartphone in the class.

  4. the last class opened my mind, I used to be an old school teacher, based on table board and paper and those tools gave me a new world of teaching. Now I can see how many different things you can apply in the process of learning

  5. the last class opened my mind, I used to be an old school teacher, based on table board and paper and those tools gave me a new world of teaching. Now I can see how many different things you can apply in the process of learning
